Mass gatherings banned in Secretariat, Shahbagh and surrounding areas

The Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has prohibited rallies, gatherings, processions, and mass assemblies in several areas of the capital, including the Secretariat, the official residence of the Chief Advisor, Jamuna, and Shahbagh intersection.
This information was announced in a public notice signed by DMP Commissioner Sheikh Mohammad Sajjat Ali on Thursday, March 13.
The directive will be effective immediately from today.
The notice states that, for the sake of public order, under the powers conferred by Section 29 of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police Ordinance (Ordinance No. III/76), it is informed to the general public that from Thursday (March 13), until further notice, any type of meeting, gathering, procession, or rally is prohibited in and around the Bangladesh Secretariat, the official residence of the Chief Advisor (Jamuna), as well as the areas around Hotel Intercontinental intersection, Shahbagh intersection, Kakrail intersection, and Mintoo Road.